Politique de publication-01


Politique de publication-02


Editorial Policy

The European Journal on Mental Disability is published once a year.

It is a scientific journal for reporting original contributions to the knowledge of mental retardation. Such contributions include reports of research and pedagogical interventions, reviews and empirical studies in the field of mental retardation.

Papers in both English and French are eligible for the Journal. Such papers will then be published in their original language with a complete abstract in the other language.

Each submitted paper is reviewed by two experts in the area of the paper's content. The opinions and judgments expressed in the EJID are those of the authors and not necessary those of the editors. Using the material in the EJID for individual or educational use is permitted. Quotation is permitted with the customary acknowledgment of the source.


Le 31 juillet 2021 est la date limite à laquelle vous pouvez envoyer vos articles et contribuer à l'édition 2021 du Journal Européen de la Déficience Intellectuelle (JEDI).

JEDI a besoin de vous.

Par avance nous vous remercions pour votre collaboration.

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