
Giuliana GALLI CARMINATI, Director of Publication, MD, PhD. Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist FMH, Psychoanalyst (IIPB - International Institute of Psychoanalysis Charles Baudouin). Adjunct Professor of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH).

From 1999 to 2013 she was Chief Physician of the Unit of Psychiatry of Mental Development (UPDM) of the University Hospitals of Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland), she was Privat Docent and Lecturer at the University of Geneva.

She is a founding member and President of ASsociation TRavail Groupal thérapeutique et social, founding member and President of Simposietto, founding member of Geneva India Learning Disability Association (GILDA), founding member and Vice President of Society for Human-Animal Relationship Research and Education (SHARRE), member of the Foundation Board of the FRH, Member of the Foundation Board of ASA (Association d'aide aux personnes avec un handicap mental).


Claire FOUASSIER, Editor, Deputy Director of the Management board

A nurse specialised in psychiatry, she was a training officer at the University Hospitals of Geneva until her retirement in 2018.

She is a founding member of the ASsociation pour le TRAvail Groupal et social - ASTRAG, of Simposietto and of the Société de Psychanalyse Multidisciplinaire SIPsyM.

She continues to train with SEVE, an association working for the development of life skills for children and adolescents, using methods based on the philosophy and practice of attention. Since 2018, she has been running philosophy workshops for young primary school pupils.

She has been practising Kyudo for many years

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