Titre projet

Project 2012


Project to create a Care Support Service for the Association «Les Papillons Blancs», Mulhouse.

Daniel DIEBOLD, Deputy Director, Association «Les Papillons Blancs», Le foyer «Les Glycines», 2, rue de la Charité, 68200 MULHOUSE, Phone: 0033 6 61 27 27 58

The official ceremony Pose of the First Stone in Cape Cornelly home took place June 19, 2012 in the presence of the authorities.

The persons with Intellectual Disability are concerned, too, by the general increasing in life expectation. This new situation creates different perspectives in caring and in the organization of structures. The key elements of this article have used in the development of our project.

Our project relies on the findings and needs of aging residents of our structures, to access in an adapted way to the care that they deserve. The aim of our projet is to support the development of persons with Intellectual Disability and to support them in their rights of citizens.

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