Titre 1-20

1. Order-taking software in a restaurant for mentally handicapped workers

Article 1-20

The aim of this work is to create a computer application to facilitate the taking of orders in a restaurant by mentally handicapped workers. We retrace here the reflections and developments made, present the architecture of the application, its operation, its use, the choice of the input device and the results of the tests carried out with workers, supervised or not by their socio-professional master. This work, spread out over nearly one year, made it possible to create a new simplified interface, which proved to be effective from the very first uses. The results obtained show improvements in the areas of empowerment and satisfaction of the people concerned. 

Keywords: Computer application, order taking, mentally handicapped,socio-professional master, Easy order


Article 1 2-20
Julien Torrent, Yann Gosteli
Innovation Centre for Assistive Technologies
www.iatlab.ch, 2019

 1.06 MB
Language: French
Titre 2-20

2. What's the diagnosis?

Article 2-2020

At the start of 2020, tormented and unique in its kind ... (to say the least), the need to clarify several things was imposed on me, particularly with regard to the diagnosis in psychiatry and what is intrinsically linked to it, that is to say the way in which one conceives one's own reality of mortal life and full of obstacles. These can lead us to find it difficult to bear our existence, however impermanent it may be, and there the problems appear ...

Putting a name (a diagnosis) on your problem can be beneficial, or even essential to obtain the support necessary to access a better life ... The human being nevertheless seems allergic to diagnosis and psychiatry in general, as if he only accepted to be a healthy mind in a healthy body ... Sickness, old age or "madness" are denied or hardly accepted, whereas it would be much more useful to admit our uniqueness, our imperfections, and especially the impermanence of our existence in order to be as happy as possible while we are there!

These very free reflections around the link between diagnosis and care thus aim to get the reader to think on what does a diagnosis mean, what can be done with it and above all how it can be helpful in a context of care, more specifically for people with autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability.

Keywords: Diagnosis, symptom, care, autism
Article 2 2-20

Rachel Lehotkay, PhD
Docteure en psychologie, spécialiste en psychothérapie FSP, certifiée zoothérapeute ASZ Society for Human-Animal Relationship Research & Education - SHARRE, info@sharre.ch
Rue Vert 2,
CH - 1205 Genève, Suisse

 249 KB
Language: French
Titre 3-20

3. A history of calm

Article 3-20

When the person with Severe Intellectual Disability and Autism is in a period of adaptation, or difficulty, or in crisis, it is wise not to add a place (the workshop in particular) and to keep activities in the apartment. Activities in this delicate situation can be especially difficult to do alone and the person must be accompanied by an educator, if possible already known to them. If the person is able to do an activity alone, the sequence of gestures should be designed in such a way as to allow him maximum predictability so as to seal his anticipation difficulties. It is important to understand that wanting to go faster than the person's possibilities of adaptation leads to considerable loss of time and real suffering and can also cause the person's difficulties to become chronic.

Keywords: Intellectual Disability and Severe Autism, Reduction of Stress, Psychoeducational Mirror Approach

Article 2 3-20

Giuliana Galli Carminati, MD, PhDs
Psychiatrist psychotherapist FMH, Psychoanalysist IIPB, pet assisted therapist Assistant Professor at the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital (SNUBH) Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea; International Psychoanalytical Society Charles Baudoin, Geneva, Switzerland
Email: giulianagallicarminati@hotmail.com

Federico Carminati, PhD
Physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerand; pet assisted therapist, International Psychoanalytical Society Charles Baudoin, Geneva, Switzerland
Email: federico.carminati@gmail.com

 156 KB
Language: French
Titre 4-20

4. When the transitional object and the rituals come together

Article 4-20

The benefits of using a transitional object and of the understanding of rituals in the practice of socio-educational support

The ambition of this article is to indicate a few avenues for reflection based on the clinical case of the long-term follow-up of a resident with Down's syndrome and autism. Starting from the observation that the daily accompaniment to the toilet presented more and more opposition from the resident, Caroline (not her real name), as well as the appearance of increasingly problematic behaviors, we felt it was necessary, for the understanding of the pathology, to know the history of the patient from childhood to adulthood.

The phenomenon of premature aging of cognitive faculties observed in the field requires that this knowledge be acquired through documentary research and consultations with specialists.

To this end, we worked to decode and understand the rituals and transitions of the resident during the intimate moments of the toilet, of the change of place and space, and also her permanent silence.

Following a period of observation of the degree of participation of the resident, her blockages and the level of commitment required from the educator, a support protocol was developed and implemented that is giving satisfactory results for the resident and her educator. In this context, we see emerging the importance and pivotal role of the transitional object.

Keywords:Socio-educational work, transitional objects, Down Syndrome, Art-Therapy
Article 2 4-20

Farida Khames Chassot, Educator
Didactical candidate at the International Society for Multidisciplinary Psychoanalysis – SIPsyM

 306 KB
Language: French

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