Editorial |
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Editorial 16 |
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Now in 2016, we are arrived at the 10th edition of EJID
With one release each September, EJID wanted to perpetrate a tradition of bilingualism, at least partially, allowing French and English readers to share news of the world of intellectual disability, often outside the mainstream.
The world of intellectual disability is constantly evolving and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between people’s and families’ need, institutional possibilities and political discourse. In this field, as in the rest of the world, we follow fashions, trends and particular interests in a constant struggle with economic imperative, especially strong since 2007-2008.
We hear a lot of rhetoric about self-reliance, self-determination and inclusion: somtimes it seems to us that these are concepts external if not extraneous to the patient and are largely driven by the need to reduce costs rather than the needs of the people themselves.
We must remain modest because often general statements about autism are lifted from the world of childhood autism, and are forced upon the adult population who is sharing the sae affection, but has needs very distant and problems very different from those of children.
Similarly, we are still lacking a real culture of and sensitivity for the problematic of double diagnostic, where psychiatric problems are superimposed on intellectual disability, and require special clinical and pharmacological treatment, to name but two major issues among many others.
In this context, it is important to keep in mind that the pharmacological treatment of the person with double diagnosis is especially complex in view of the troubling presence of epileptic disorders.
EJID wants to remain a place of exchange where actors in the world of intellectual disability can publish their observations and experiences, that would otherwise be dispersed, with the hope that they will be read.
For this reason, EJID is also open to families who may want to describe their observations and share their doubts.
I therefore wish readers, authors and the scientific and editorial committee as well as the webmaster of EJID to continue our common endeavour for knowledge and mutual help in the interest and support of the person with intellectual disability.
Article 1.1-16 |
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This study serves to explore the history and innovations of autism and the programs available to people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The purpose of this paper is to exploit the lack of attention autism has received worldwide and to display the need for better diagnostic, educational, and treatment programs. A description of the disease, current definitions and typologies, and past stigmatization will be discussed.
Additionally, this study will highlight various speculations presented by researchers over the past twenty years. As epigenetics are a new innovation in the world of health, environmental epigenetics will be discussed as possible contributing factors to ASD.
Case studies and information about the effects autism has on parents, families, and societies are included. The latter portion of this study will analyse systems and programs in Switzerland and the United States. Programs implemented in India, Spain, and Africa will be discussed as well. Governments must address autism as a priority by working to decrease stigmatization, increase education and training for physicians, enhance diagnostic centers, and drastically reshape education programs for children with autism.
Article 1.2-16 |
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Savannah Dysard
The George Washington University, International Affairs, Global Public Health
My name is Savannah and I am a twenty one year old college student in the United States. I study at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. where my major is international development and my minor is global public health. Along with going to school I work at the Peace Corps in the Office of Health Services, I volunteer at the International Red Cross, and I am a fellow for an organization that works towards international and domestic poverty relief.
Last semester I studied abroad in Switzerland. During my five months studying abroad I wrote a research paper on a topic I think is very important. The topic is autism. My hope is that this paper will inform those who are uniformed and start discussion on this topic.
Titre article 2-16 |
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Article 2.1-16 |
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Family therapy that I will describe is developing around an issue of empowerment in a woman of 35 years, which I call Merline, presenting mild mental retardation and having a very close relationship with his mother. Merline family comes from a disadvantaged environment with low incomes and experiencing an important social isolation, the exchanges with entourages being excessively poor.
Cohabitation with parents is usual for adults with mental retardation. So the separation of the family, which is common during the evolution from adolescence to young adulthood can be experienced as an extremely difficult way in family life. Therefore, many adults with mental retardation live with their parents until the death of the latter with absence or limitation of empowerment process. Parents could not see their child "adult" and sometimes they continued to consider him/her even as a little child, incapable of living outside the parental sphere. I'll present a clinical situation where systemic therapy helped a woman with mental retardation to individualize and empower without it being perceived as a threat for the affective relationship.
Article 3.1-16 |
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Research was designed to study the influence of cognitive behaviour therapy on anger and frustration management among parents of severely intellectual disabled.
With the help of quasi-experimental research Picture Frustration Study by Pareek et.al (1968) was administered to the sample for pre-post sessions. Cognitive behaviour therapy implemented to manage the frustration level and sessions were given twice a week for ½ month. Each CBT session was of 45 minutes. Finding based on the analysis revealed that after frustration management training programme parents of everely intellectual impaired obtained less mean scores on categories like E', E, I and score increased on M, e, and i categories. Their GCR is also increased significantly. It reveals improved attitudes of parents towards their child. It confirms the role of CBT in improvement of tolerance level.