Titre article 1-12

1. Autism and Visual Impairment: individual educational needs and the school practice in England

Article 1.1-12

The aim of this study is to investigate the current considerations regarding the educational practices for children with joint autism and visual impairment (ASDVI) across different settings. For this study, was examined the practice in three specialized residential schools in England. Each of these settings have different specializations, such as autism, VI, or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD). This report seeks to clarify the complexities of different practices surrounding the support of children with ASDVI across different settings and also seeks to inform about the extent to which areas of agreement and disagreement between and among professionals are able to inspire future improvement of the provision available. The outcomes of the present study suggesting that core discrepancies inherent within this area of work consist on each school’s ethos and professionals’ training, as well as on the availability of funding, which limits the capacity to apply interventions tailored to each child’s individual needs.

Article 1.2-12
Antonios Christou
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, U.K.
Dr.Spyridon-Georgios Soulis
Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Greece
 118 KB
Language: English
Titre article 2-12

2. Sexo-Pedagogy: Education for people with intellectual disability and family quality of life

Article 2.1-12

In recent years, in India, important changes in public policies and attitudes have resulted in improved opportunities for people with physical and mental disabilities.

Now, people living with disabilities assume their rightful place in society as the equals of non-disabled people.

Unfortunately, societal attitudes have changed less in regard to sexuality and disability. Even today, many people refuse to acknowledge that all people have sexual feelings, needs, and desires, regardless of their physical and/or mental abilities.

As a result, many young people who live with disabilities do not receive sex education, either in school or at home.

This paper focuses on different studies and articles related to the topic and on the link between families and sexual education..

Article 2.2-12
B. Pavan Kumar
Department of Psychology, Andhra University
 131 KB
Language: English
Titre 3-12

3.Autism Self-Injurious Behaviour (SIB) in the school environment: a research report from a specialized school in England

Article 3.1.12

Background: Self-injurious behaviour consist major behavioural problem for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other clinical populations. This report seeks to clarify the association between self-injurious behaviour and environmental - biological contingencies in children with ASD and the strategies that Teachers apply to handle these behaviours.

Methods: For this study have used semi-structured interviews with professionals working on a daily basis with children who exhibit SIB, observations of children who exhibit challenging and self-injurious behaviour, as well as documents such as school individual’s records of their progress.

Results: The outcomes of this study report that there are specific personal and environmental characteristics such as Autism, Impulsivity/overactivity, stereotyped/restricted behaviours, additional needs and the level of intellectual disability which might considered as important risk markers for the SIB manifestation.

Conclusion: The investigation of the clinical and environmental characteristics of children who are engaged in SIB provide us the putative causes of SIB and through the functional analysis of those behaviours professionals could apply the most suitable intervention adapted to individuals needs.

Article 3.2-12
Efthalia Karakatsani M.Ed
University of Birmingham, School of Psychology, UK
Dr. Spiridon-Georgios Soulis
University of Ioannina, Department of Primary Education, Greece
 106 KB
Language: English
Titre article 4-12

4. Lived transition in a therapeutic group: Experience of a therapist and a co-therapist

Article 4.1-12

This article discusses the announcement of a transition, due to the departure of a therapist, in a group therapy with adults’ patients diagnosed with mental disability and psychopathology. It is a semi-open group of free flowing discussion. The subject of the paper is related to the elaboration and the personal experience of a separation within a group. The approach is qualitative. The subjective point of view is the one of the author, also co-therapist in the group. The departing therapist's experience is related trough a personal interview with the author. This reflection shows that the announcement of the departure of a therapist and the ensuing separation affects the group as a whole: patients, therapist and co-therapist. This situation, described in the group, may reflect other moments in life that involve separations. It thus describes a real case, in a therapeutic setting, of an experience of separation, loss, mourning and the development of these steps.

Article 4.2-12
E. Rivera
Consultation UPDM, Unité de Psychiatrie du Développement mental,
Département de Psychiatrie, HUG - Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève
 102 KB
Language: French

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