Article 1.1-11 |
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Music and Dance therapies are being used at Lebenshilfe Institution Visahkapatnam Andhra Pradesh as an alternative medicine while rehabilitating the persons with intellectual disability from children to adults. Music is the Divine art which impacts the human mind where as Dance is an expressive form of art which involves various body movements giving a head to toe experience to both players and the viewers.
TopArticle 2.1-11 |
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Families face a lot of stress and difficulties while caring for family member with Intellectual Disability. They encounter different problems at different stages.
A different kind of family attitude is required towards mentally challenged children as compared to the other normal children. Parent s of mentally impaired children are generally Surrounded by environmental factors like education, family structure, trust, crisis, social support, health, values, role and responsibilities and sacrifice. All these factors influence the environment and attitude of families towards the children with intellectual impairment. An attempt is made to investigate the role of family efficacy which helps in guidance and counseling of family members of intellectual challenged children. It was hypothesized that female parent will have higher scores on family efficacy than male parents. Sub average family efficacy will be reported for intellectual impaired child. Present study is ex-post facto research. Ex-post facto research is non experimental designs that are used to investigate causal relationships. Often it is used to explain something in the present from data collected sometime in the past, in which role of family efficacy has already occurred and the effect of this variable has been studied by qualitative analysis on families of children with intellectual impairment. NIMH Family Efficacy Scale (2004) was used. With the help of purposive sampling technique 120 parents (60 males and 60 females) of intellectual impairment children were selected from different special schools of Coimbatore city. All of the parents belonged to the same socio economic status. Findings indicate that male parents require more counselling to modify their attitude towards their intellectual impaired child as well as towards their family members.
Article 3.1-11 |
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During my training of nurse specialized in mental health and psychiatry, I could discover the Day Hospital of the UPDM ( Units of Mental Developmental Units, Mental health and Psychiatry Department – HUG Geneva) which receives patients presenting Intellectual Disability and autistic disorders with associated psychiatric comorbidities.
I met Luc there. He presents a mild intellectual disability, does not speak, enters in relation by movements of proximity and distance.
Through this situation of care, the multidisciplinary work and the bond with various concepts enabled me to adjust my way to modulate my personal attitudes in caring , to better understand the various emotions which are dawning. The meeting with this patient creates questions about the adequate relational distance; how to adjust this distance in order to make so that it becomes therapeutic and well-wishing for the patient.