Titre article 1-09

1. Effectiveness of television as source of information and vehicle of social participation for persons with Intellectual Disability

Article 1.1-09

The individuals with intellectual disability (ID) have characteristics which limit their capacity to access information emitted for the general public. However, after the movement of deinstitutionalization, these persons were invited to use the same resources as everybody else. Presently, these resources turn out to be little adapted to their particular characteristics. Consequently, the access to the necessary information to perform a certain activity also remains problematic. Thus, we are looking for a means which could facilitate this access and consequently, would facilitate the social participation of the individuals with ID. Several studies of mass media showed that the television is a means of information accessible to everybody. This means could play three important roles in facilitating the social participation of the individuals with ID:

Change the attitudes of the general population towards individuals with ID, in order to contribute to a better acceptance of their differences;

Encourage the individuals with ID to act upon themselves, to feel that they are capable and that they will succeed, to reduce their dependence and improve their self-respect;

Simplify the media messages to improve the accessibility of the information by persons with ID.

  1. The questions of this study thus will be:
  2. Do individuals with ID inquire by the television?
  3. Do they understand the information diffused by the television?

Is there an adaptation made for the information diffused by the television to meet the needs of this type of receivers?

To answer these questions we organized four newsgroups with 19 individuals having ID. These last ones viewed extracts of weather reports. Then, they commented on their understanding and on the complexity of the information which was presented to them.

  • The results of this study allowed noticing that participants of this research reached a consensus on some points:
  • They understand the importance of the weather
  • They see television as a source of information
  • They attach particular importance to the explanation of the facilitators
  • They only seek marks on the screen to help them understand (for example, images of the sun or clouds)
  • They request the simplicity of information
Keywords: Intellectual disability, masse of communication, television, social participation, weather report, information access.
Article 1.2-09
Sahar El Shourbagi
The George Washington University, International Affairs, Global Public Health
Chercheure, Post-doctorante Groupe de recherche Médias et santé. Département de communication sociale et publique. Université du Québec, Montréal

 162 KB
Language: French
Titre article 2-09

2. Individual Behavior Therapy in a young lady with ASD: a 46 months evolution

Article 2.1-09

The purpose of this work is to describe the evolution of a young lady 35 years old with ASD and intellectual disabilities (ID) living in residence with a structured program within the Public Socio-Educational Establishment in Geneva – EPSE (now Public Establishement for Insertion EPI) and benefiting of individual one-to-one therapy with a psychologist of the team of Psychiatry of Mental Development Unit (UPDM). 

Our principle hypothesis is that behavioural disorders and SIB could be reduced when the environment is structured, constant and predictable. We also think that adding an individual behavioural coaching more focused on specific behavioural disorders as well as on non adapted social behaviours will improve the effectiveness of PAMS (characterised by a less individualised presence of a changing team).

For the observation of the behaviour disorders, we use the Aberrant Behaviour Checklist (ABC). Data were gathered on a weekly basis. Considering our hypothesis, we predicted having a diminution of ABC results over the period of observation due to an improvement of behaviour troubles.

Keywords: Mental Retardation, Disability.

Article 2.2-09
S. Varisco-Gassert, N. Deriaz, G.Galli Carminati
UPDM - Units of Mental Development Psychiatry of, Service of Adult Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, HUG- University Hospitals of Geneva, University of Geneva
Adress: UPDM Av. du Petit-Bel-Air 2, Bât Jura, CH-1225 Chêne-Bourg, Geneva, Switzerland
Email: gallicarminati@hotmail.com
 521 KB
Language: English
Titre article 3-09

3. Impact of dishability of mentally retarded persons on their parents

Article 3.1-09

Mental retardation is a permanent condition unlike many other diseases. It is a highly prevalent and highly disabling condition. In this study an attempt has been made to study both positive and negative impact on parents so as to help manage this problem in the best possible way.

The study was conducted at the out patient department of P.G.I. Behavioral and Medical Sciences, Raipur and two special schools of mentally challenged children and it was done by purposive sampling method. Using specially designed semi structured socio demographic and clinical data sheet, information was gathered about mentally challenged children and their parents.

Vineland Social Maturity Scale (V.S.M.S) and Developmental Screening Test ( D.S.T) were used to assess their intelligence. Parents fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria consenting for the study were selected. National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped Disability Impact Scale (2003) was then administered on them. The results are reported and discussed.

Article 3.2-09
Thiyam kiran singh: M.Phil- Medical and Social Psychology,
Consultant Clinical Psychologist Vijayawada Institute Of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (VIMHANS), India
Dr. M.V.R. Raju, Ph.D.
Professor, Head, Director & Consultant Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Andhra University, India
Dr. Vishal Indla: M.D.,D.N.B. (Psychiatry)
Chief Psychiatrist Vijayawada Institute Of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences ( VIMHANS) India
Dr. Indla Ramasubba Reddy: M.D.,D.P.M. (Psychiatrist)
Director Vijayawada Institute Of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences (VIMHANS), India

 173 KB
Language: English

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